

The series follows Ariel as she embarks on fun-filled, action-packed mermaid adventures with her friends. Driven by a deep and unending curiosity about the world around her, Ariel discovers land treasures, like a big floppy hat, squeaky rubber ducky and whisk, that she collects and keeps safe in her crystal cavern. Sometimes, Ariel uses the treasures to help solve problems. With each discovery, Ariel is filled with joy, and her mermaid tail, which changes colors depending on her emotions, lights up and shimmers.
Premiere Date: June 27, 2024
Casts: Mykal-Michelle Harris, Taye Diggs, Amber Riley, Elizabeth Pheonix Caro, Cruz Flateau, Gracen Newton
Air Time: 12:00 am
Country: US
Air Day:

Ariel Video Clips & Trailers

Theme Song

Theme Song

Official Teaser

Official Teaser

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