Big City Greens

Big City Greens

Big City Greens is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Cricket's natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
Premiere Date: June 18, 2018
Casts: Chris Houghton, Artemis Pebdani, Marieve Herington, Bob Joles
Air Time: 8:00 am
Country: US
Air Day: Saturday
Season 4 Episodes

Big City Greens Video Clips & Trailers

Big City Greens | Rent Control Clip

Big City Greens | "Rent Control" Clip

Meet the Greens! | Big City Greens | Disney Channel

Meet the Greens! | Big City Greens | Disney Channel

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