The Exes

The Exes

The Exes is a comedy television show that features Donald Faison as Phil Chase, Wayne Knight as Haskell Bing, Kristen Johnston as Holly Brooks, David Alan Basche as Stuart Gardner, and Kelly Stables as Eden. The series follows Divorce attorney Holly who introduces her client, Stuart to his new room-mates, who share an apartment that Holly owns. At first Phil and Haskell (Wayne Knight) have reservations about Stuart moving in, but Holly is right across the hall to help when things start to go down hill.
Premiere Date: November 30, 2011
Casts: Donald Faison, Wayne Knight, David Alan Basche, Kelly Stables, Kristen Johnston
Air Time: 10:30pm
Country: US
Air Day: Wednesday
Season 4 Episodes

The Exes Video Clips & Trailers

The Exes Sneak Peek: Lost in Translation

The Exes Sneak Peek: Lost in Translation

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