

HBO is partnering with “VICE” on an innovative news magazine show to be hosted by “VICE” founder Shane Smith, it was announced today by Michael Lombardo, president, HBO Programming. The weekly series will be executive produced by Bill Maher, Shane Smith and Eddy Moretti, VICE’s chief creative officer, with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria serving as consultant. Titled VICE, the HBO series will showcase a mix of stories from around the globe. Among the segments in production for possible inclusion in the show are: Taliban child suicide bombers; North Korean slave labor camps; New York’s underground voodoo heroin clinics; Somalian pirates; and Satanic dentists in the Pacific
Premiere Date: April 5, 2013
Air Time: 11:00 PM
Country: US
Air Day: Friday
Season 10 Episodes

Vice Video Clips & Trailers

VICE: Season 1: What Is VICE? Featurette | HBO

VICE: Season 1: What Is VICE? Featurette | HBO

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