Voces American History: The Untold History of Latinos

Voces American History: The Untold History of Latinos

American Historiatakes Leguizamo's passion from the stage and puts him on the road on a chronological journey traveling throughout Mexico and the U.S. to shed light on both the known and lesser-known stories of Latino history.Inspired by Leguizamo's own multi-faceted style, each episode will combine cultural travel segments as well as entertaining interstitials, unveiling Leguizamo's passionate revelations about his favorite Latino figures. The cultural segments will feature visits to historical sites as well as interviews with notable historians and Latino cultural figures. Locations and interviewees to be announced at a later date.
Premiere Date: September 19, 2023
Casts: John Leguizamo
Air Time: 9:00 pm
Air Day: Tuesday

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